
Hello everyone! My name is Hutton, and I run The Five-Point Blog (TFPB). The purpose of my blog is to promote biblical and theological literacy so that the church might increasingly know, love, and live unto God through Jesus Christ. Thus most of my work aims at helping the church recover its classical and confessional vision of God’s unsearchable greatness. By recovering this vision, we not only align ourselves with the church catholic throughout the ages, but we also come to know, love, live unto, and worship God as He has revealed Himself to us.

I was born and raised in Amarillo, TX and have served as a church youth director, summer camp director, Bible teacher, and as a seminary extension campus coordinator. I currently serve in a volunteer capacity as the Generational Leader of Redeemer College Mission, a ministry of Redeemer Christian Church in Amarillo. I was converted in college and am now a classically and confessionally Reformed Christian. (I subscribe to the “Six Forms of Unity” of the Reformed churches: Belgic Confession; Heidelberg Catechism; Canons of Dort; Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms)

I earned a BA in Political Science from West Texas A&M University in 2015 and an MA in Theology from Denver Seminary in 2018. (I’ve got degrees in the only two areas about which Americans aren’t supposed to talk: religion and politics. So I’m hopeless when it comes to small talk.) My academic research interests include theology proper, historic Protestant confessional theology, and contemporary evangelical theology. My blogging interests vary, as displayed here at TFPB, but they generally fall under some kind of category of Christian theology.

When I’m not blogging, I love reading, talking theology and life with my friends, hanging out with my dog, Bruce Wayne, drinking Coca-Cola, and supporting Chelsea Football Club. Feel free to contact me if you’d ever like to connect!